Job Aid – Creating a Building Condition Package for a Building

A specialized process exists to create a work order with a collection of phases and inspections that facilitate an efficient, in-house building condition assessment. The steps here are performed just prior to the execution of a planned and coordinated Building Condition of a given building. A pre-assessment meeting is conducted by the BCA project manager where the building to be assessed is announced. The building that is to be assessed is referred to as “the building” throughout this job aid.  You will need to know the building identifier prior to creating the Building Condition Assessment Package.  For the purpose of illustration the Building Identifier “0242” is used here.

Building Condition Assessment Package Automation
Description What you will see
Navigate to the Preventive Maintenance Module in AiM Preventive Maintenance menu item with arrow point to it
Click the Magnifying glass associated with the PM Template Menu item to search for the Building Condition Assessment template PM Template Menu with arrow pointing to search magnifying glass
In the Template search box enter BLDG-ANA then click the Execute button This shows where to type BLDG-ANA and has an arrow pointing to the execute button
Click the BLDG-ANA link in the search results Has an Arrow pointing to the link in the search results that needs to be clicked
Click the Edit button Shows an arrow pointing to the edit button on the PM Template screen
Click the link to edit the first Template Phase, 001 Shows an arrow pointing to the link to edit phase 001
Toward the bottom right of this screen Click the Load Asset button Shows an arrow pointing to the load asset button
Set the Asset Type to PROPERTY
Set the Property to the Building Identifier, in this example, “0242”
Click the Execute button
Illustrates the three steps needed to find the property asset
Click the checkbox next to the Asset so that it becomes selected
Click the Done button
shows an arrow pointing to the checked asset box and an arrow pointing to the done button
The Property Asset is now associated with the template.  For the PM to generate, as with all PM’s in AiM, there needs to be an initial Last Date added.  In this case the PM frequency is every 5 years, so a date 5-years prior to now should be entered .  Click the Sequence link corresponding to the newly added asset Shows a circle around the empty area of the Last Date on the newly loaded asset and an arrow pointing to the edit link
Enter a date 5-years prior to now in the Last Date field
Click the Done button on the Template Asset edit screen
Shows an example of a 5-years prior Last Date and an arrow pointing to the done button
Click the Done button on the Template Phase edit screen Done Button
Click the Save button on the PM Template edit screen
Navigate back the the Preventive Maintenance Work Desk and click the PM Schedule Date Generator Link in the Setup Shows an arrow pointing to the PM Schedule Date Generator on the Setup menu of the Preventive Maintenance module
Enter today’s date in the Date field and then click the Generate button Shows the date and pm template to generate for with arrows
When complete a confirmation message appears, click the OK button Shows the confirmation of the generation being complete with an arrow pointing to the OK button
Navigate back the the Preventive Maintenance Work Desk and click the PM Generator New button in the Menu shows an arrow pointing to the PM Generator New menu item
Enter an appropriate description
Set the End Date to today’s date
Set the Template value to “BLDG-ANA”
Click the Save button
Shows arrows pointing to the four steps described in this step on the screen
The screen shows a preview of the Work Orders and Phases that will be generated.  If this looks as expected, click the Generate button shows a bracket indicating the phase previews and an arrow to the generate button
Congratulations! You have initiated the creation of the Building Condition Assessment Package.

A significant number of purposefully designed AiM Inspections are now being generated.  This could take a very long time, especially for buildings with a large number of rooms.  Do not worry.  Even if the generator times out, the Building Condition Assessment Package is being built for you.  Stretch your legs.

Shows the generating message
When the automated portion of the Building Condition Assessment Package creation is complete, the Work Orders and Phases are shown on the PM Generator Screen. Shows the screen in AiM that displays after successful PM Generation
 To perform a final confirmation that the the automated portion of the Building Condition Assessment Package completed successfully navigate to the Asset Management Module Shows and arrow pointing to the Navigation menu for Asset Management
Click the Magnifying glass associated with the Inspection Menu item to search for the Inspections associated with this Building Condition Assessment Package Shows an arrow pointing to the Magnifying glass to search inspections
Change the operator associated with the Type to “starts with”
Enter “BCA_” in the Type text box
Set the Edit Date to today
Click the Execute button(Optionally, if you or one of your colleagues have generated other Building Condition Assessment Packages today, you will need to put the Building identifier in the Property text field)
Shows arrows pointing to the four steps to take on this screen to confirm inspections were created as designed

At the time this document was last updated:

  • there were 4 types of inspections to be created for each room: BCA_INTERIOR, BCA_PLUMBING, BCA_ELECTRICAL, and BCA_HVAC)
  • there was also one ASSET_ASSESSMENT inspection created for any asset in the building with an Asset Group starting with ‘D2’, ‘D3’ or ‘D5’

In the example of building 0242, there are 7 rooms

There should be :

  • one inspection created for the BCA_SUBSTRUCTURE,
  • one inspection created for the BCA_ENVELOPE and
  • # of rooms created for the BCA_INTERIOR
  • # of rooms created for the BCA_PLUMBING
  • # of rooms created for the BCA_ELECTRICAL
  • # of rooms created for the BCA_HVAC

…for a total of 30 BCA_ Inspections

There should also be one ASSET_ASSESSMENT inspection for each asset starting with ‘D2’, ‘D3’ or ‘D5’

Shows result screen from inspection search
Building Condition Assessment Package Manual Completion Steps
Jeremy – Please complete this section so it aligns with whatever process you define to complete the process