SOP- Administrative – Change Labels

 Standard Operating Procedures

Change Labels SOP



The Label Utility screen enables an organization to modify standard AiM nomenclature to mirror their naming conventions. Labels can be changed for all system labels except for those on dark blue heading labels.


* Note: Label changes are system-wide.



When selecting the Label Utility Screen, a search is launched to facilitate selecting the labels in AiM to modify. Once the label is retrieved, simply edit and add new label name.


1. Identify the label key to modify first.     
2. Navigate to the System Administration module on the main menu.
2. Navigate to the System Administration screen and click the link to Label Utility.
3. When selecting the Label Utility Screen, a search is launched to facilitate selecting the labels in AiM to modify.  


4. Once the label is retrieved, simply click Edit to add new label name and click Save.  






  1. System Administrator:

System Administrator is responsible for managing the Label Utility screen. Upon Business request, the System Administrator shall change/update labels.


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