Create a Additional Work Orders for Academic Renovations in AiM

Standard Operating Procedures

Create a Additional Work Orders for Academic Renovations in AiM

The instructions here are designed for individuals who are familiar with the AIM Environment. This includes logging in to AIM, WorkDesk, icons, menus, search screens, working with data, and entry screens. If you are new to AiM please refer to the documentation explaining these foundational AiM concepts or go to your supervisor and request training. 



Academic Renovations Maintenance Projects are made up of additional AiM Work Orders that are used to consistently track the scope of work, schedules and costs as well as support efficient billing processes.  Academic Renovations Maintenance Projects will have  work order(s) for items that need to be billed at actual costs and might have work order(s) for items that need to be billed at a fixed rate

How to:

Description Screen
Actual Cost Work Order when a billing process is required

Before creating the additional work orders for billing to projects, create the initial project work order. (Instructions are here).  The exception for Academic Renovations is our Work Code will be construction.



basic mp work order
Navigate to the Main Project Work Order and select the Copy action


copy link action
Copy whatever objects you feel are necessary by selecting the checkbox(es) next to the object labels.

Click the Next button.

Create a Work Order for Sarazin Labor

A Work Order Number will be auto-assigned.  This work order should have “ACTUAL COSTS-SARAZIN” somewhere in the description.

Type = Recapitalization

Category = Improvemnt



recap improvement type and category
Create one Phase for the work. Usually you will set:

  • The Priority to 5
  • The funding method to Work Order
  • The work code Construction
  • The Status to Open

If you want to track the budget at the phase level, set that here.

Sarazin has a Service Contract, set that now. If you are using more than one Service Contract you will create an individual phase for each contract.

Please see the Work Management SOPs for additional guidelines on data entry for phases.


Sample Sarazin Work Order
For the accounting on the phase, the charge will be the project account and the Offset will be the labor clearing account to be replenished.
Click the Done button when the Phase data is entered
Click the Done button when the Work Order data is entered



Create a Work Order for Mansfield Supply, Williwaste, Columbia Sheet Metal and Other Vendors requiring Clearing Account
CREATE another “ACTUAL COST” Work Order for Other Financials that will need to hit the clearing account, Mansfield Supply,  Williwaste, Columbia Sheetmetal.  These specific vendors will require you to set up Service Contracts.


Create a Work Order for Physical Security

Create an “Actual Cost-Physical Security Work Order that will will be billed against the Physical Security Operating Account in Account Set up using the instructions above.

Create one phase for each time work is required

  • The Priority to 5
  • The funding method to Work Order
  • The work code as appropriate to the work
  • The Status to Open

Account Setup- the Charge will be the project account and the Offset will be the Physical Security Operating Account.

Click the Done button when the Phase data is entered

Click the Done button when the Work Order data is entered

Facilities Work Order when a billing process is required

Repeat all the above steps but on the Work Order set the



This category should have “ACTUAL COSTS” and the specific shop somewhere in the description.

Funding will be by Work Order

Account Set Up will have the project account first and the specific shop operating account for the offset account.

To set a estimated budget for cost tracking, click on the phase, edit, Cost Analysis,

Fixed Fee Work Order when a billing process is required

Repeat all the steps above but on the Work Order set the

Type = Recapitalization

Category = Fixed Fee


This work order should have “FIXED FEE-PAINT” somewhere in the description.

Create one phase for each time work is required

  • The Priority to 5
  • The funding method to Work Order
  • The work code  appropriate to the work is Painting
  • The Status to Open

Account Setup- the Charge will be the project account and the Offset will be the Paint Shop Operating Account.

Click the Done button when the Phase data is entered

Click the Done button when the Work Order data is entered

fixed fee
Find the instructions for setting up Fixed Fee Work Order and Phases here




Academic Renovations Project Managers are responsible for managing and overseeing the information in the Project Management Work Orders.
The Business Office and Academic Renovations Administrators assist project managers in maintaining and overseeing the information in the Project Management Work Orders.
The Operations Management staff assists project managers and business office in maintaining and overseeing the information in the Project Management Work Orders in a manner consistent with the use of the Work Management system by other areas of the organization


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