SOPs – Work Management – Phase

Standard Operating Procedures

Managing Phases



The phase tracks the task(s) that comprise the work order. The work order must support at least one phase, but more than one is a common practice.

The user defines the specific task details including the work required, the location of the work, who will perform the work, which asset or equipment is worked on, and when to perform the work.

The user also defines which shop is responsible for performing the work at the phase level, therefore phases will be created for work by shop. The shop chosen will ultimately provide a list of employees available for the work within the shop assigned. The time that is recorded on the assignee’s Timecard will link to the phase and provide information on how long the task took to complete.


* If a new work order needs to be created to accommodate a service request or resolve a problem, see the instructions for creating a Work Order or creating a Customer Request.


Phase Status Phase Status Flag Description
Open Not Complete The Phase is Open and still in progress and eligible for edits and financial transactions.
Assigned Not Complete The Phase is Assigned to a technician and still in progress and eligible for edits and financial transactions.
On Hold Not Complete The Phase is On Hold and still in progress and eligible for edits and financial transactions.
Awaiting Parts Not Complete Indicates Technicians is waiting for parts to complete the job. The Phase is still in progress and eligible for edits and financial transactions.
Work Complete Not Complete Indicates that in progress transactions can be completed (e.g., approval of entered Timecards); but no new transactions can be entered against the phase.
Canceled Cancel Indicates the phase is canceled and no further transactions are allowed.
Closed Complete Indicates that the phase is complete (closed) and no further edits or financial transactions are allowed.


Phase Status – Role Permissions

Technician Will be able to update phases to the status of Open, Assigned, On Hold, Awaiting Parts, Work Complete.
Supervisor Will be able to update phases to the status of Open, Assigned, On Hold, Awaiting Parts, Work Complete, Canceled and Closed.
Operations Admin Will be able to update phases to the status of Open, Assigned, On Hold, Awaiting Parts, Deferred, Work Complete and Closed.



1. Navigate to the Work Management module on the main menu.
2. Navigate to the Work Management screen and click the link to Work Order.
3. Click Search to configure to search Work Order/Phases.
4. Input your search criteria and click on the blue Execute button in the upper left corner (you can search Work Orders by description, Work Order numbers, etc.)
5. Click on the number in the Work Order column that relates to the desired work order.


** Use the Previous and Next options on the bottom of the page to scroll through additional pages if the work order is not available.**

6. Click the blue Edit button in the upper left corner to edit the Phase.  
7. Click on the blue Add button on the right side of the screen to add Phases.
8. The description box in the Phase will default to the Problem Code if one was selected at the Work Order level. The description can be edited to provide additional details when necessary.  
9. Enter name of the shop that will be responding to the request/problem in the Shop field and then click on magnifying glass.


If the name of the shop is unknown, click on the magnifying glass and select the shop from the available list.



10. Enter the priority of the Phase (1-5 )in the phase field.


Leaving the Phase field blank and clicking on the magnifying glass will provide a description of the options.



11. Click on the drop down menu and select the appropriate funding method.



12. If the Location (room) number is known, type it into the Location field and hit the magnifying glass. Or just click on the magnifying glass to search.



13. Enter the name of the Work Code relative to the request/problem in the Work Code field and then click on magnifying glass.


If the name of the Work Code is unknown, click on the magnifying glass and select the Work Code from the available list.

 14. More Phases can be created.  If there is no assignee, click Done to return to previous screen and Save to Save the Phase.


Otherwise, proceed assigning this Phase to a technician (see below).

15. Click Load to assign Phase to a technician.
16. Select assignee and click Done to return to previous screen.  
17. If this is the only Phase necessary for the work order, click the grey Done button in the upper left corner.


If additional Phases are needed, click on the blue Add button and repeat the process of inputting the Phase information for all necessary phases. Once all phases have been entered, click on the grey Done button in the upper left corner.

 18. Click Save to save the new Phase(s).  




1.Operations Center Admin:

[TODO:FOBS define refine rules here]


2. Operations Center Management:

[TODO:FOBS define refine rules here]


3. Supervisor:

[TODO:FOBS define refine rules here]


4. System Administrator:

System Administrator is responsible for managing and overseeing the Work Management module its configuration and functionality.



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