SOPs – Preventive Maintenance

  SOP – Preventative Maintenance


The instructions here are designed for individuals who are familiar with the AIM Environment. This includes logging in to AIM, WorkDesk, icons, menus, search screens, working with data, and entry screens. If you are new to AiM please refer to the documentation explaining these foundational AiM concepts or go to your supervisor and request training. 


Preventative Maintenance applies PM standards, templates and frequencies.  These series on screens provide overall usage of the PM Functionality


Preventive Maintenance Menu

Preventive Maintenance Module Set-Up


Not in Use @ UConn

  • Managing PM Meter Reading (Not using for initial release)
  • Performing Rapid Meter Reading (Not using for initial release)
  • Managing Superseded PM Phases (deferred PM phases)
  • Configuring PM Route (Not using for initial release)